The Other Emily: Honest Review

The Other Emily [Book]     For a while now, I have been searching for a psychological thriller book, but nothing caught my eye. When browsing my friend's bookshelf, I picked up a book, my friend described it as “the best thriller book I’ve ever read”. That day, I took the book home.  

     The Other Emily, a New York Times Bestselling book by Dean Koontz, is about David Thorne, a known successful novelist who, after a decade, is still haunted by the disappearance of the woman he loves, twenty-five-year-old Emily Carlino. Emily disappeared without a trace in California on a stormy night, David suspects Ronald Lee Jessup, a man who is in prison for kidnapping, rape, and the murder of over 14 women. David is determined to know if Ronald has anything to do with Emily’s disappearance. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an identical version of Emily by the name of Maddison Sutton comes into David’s life  

    As a first-time reader, I find The Other Emily to be truthfully confusing. The more I read the book, Koontz had my head in circles, and the confusion grew more and more with each passing page. The connections can’t be found, and the facts don’t add up no matter how you look at it. Koontz’s writing is quite inconsistent; on one page it's direct, and on another it feels like everything is going in different directions  

    As the plot of the story unfolds, so does the mystery of figuring out who Maddison really is. As confusing as it is, it also gives me goosebumps and this uneasy feeling. I do enjoy Koontz’s descriptions of sunsets, it’s something he incorporates throughout the story, it is quite repetitive though. I really appreciate the upheaval of emotions and all the memories that come to David when meeting Maddison  

    Overall, I enjoyed the book, especially David’s character, being able to see his thought process throughout most of the book was very enjoyable. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is into thriller, murder, mystery books. Thank you for reading, if you have read this book, let me know your thoughts!  


                    - Kimberly Rivas   



  1. That sounds very interesting! I wonder if the inconsistency of the book is meant to reflect any inconsistency in the story itself. It's been a while since I've read a mystery that wasn't covered by comedy, I'll have to look into it.

  2. This sounds like a great book! I like the idea of incorporating sunsets and descriptions of them throughout the story. I have never read a book that emphasizes sunsets so much. I will have to check this out!

  3. This book sounds very mysterious in the way you tell it is. The inconsistencies seem to make the book even more confusing, and with it being a mystery, I feel like it would be fun to read for me.

  4. Wow this sounds like a very interesting book. I love mystery books, and I think that this would be a great fit for me. Thank you for the suggestion.


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