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 Have you ever wonder how your parents have experienced and survive important moments history? What did they do? Well, Art Spiegelman, the narrator and writer of Maus: a survivor tale ask him self that same question about his dad's experiecne witht the holocaust. Giving us one of the most incredible mastre pieces of all time. Today, I wanted to share my opinion on one of my favorite books, Maus, a Survivor Tale.       Maus is a fun and informative book to read. The story starts with Art Spiegelman, the narrator and creator of the story, who decides to interview his dad Vladek about how he survived the holocaust. The story talks about the time that Vladek was taken as a prisoner by the Nazis, making him work like a slave and making him have his first impression of the Nazis, describing them as animals, which will clearly affect the way he acts later on in the story. While Vladek explains how horrible and mean the war was to him and his family, vladek especially explains how his wi

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